
Saturday, July 28, 2012


This song is really our jam. The sexy dude in the yellow suit(Yu Jaesuk) is really making my ovaries explode.
obviously the sexiest man around
i'm like: omg use me oppa
                                                                                                                                                             blogpost by sarah

Friday, July 27, 2012

Hello BinA here!! <3

I'm going to tell you a little about what happened these days..

This week we recorded a dance video to Infinite - Come Back Again for the 2012 K-pop Cover Dance Festival... It was really fun when we recorded, especially the introduction.
I edited (with help from Norah and Sarah) the video as soon as possible so we could gain as many likes as possible! I didn't sleep at all for the video, hahah. It's usually my sister who edits videos and it was my first time so I'm proud! ^^

Picture of L.N and Sarah with the dance outfits.

And here is the dance video:

And now we only need likes for our video. It would be really nice of you if you could help us out and support us!

If you want to help us follow the instructions below:

1. Join by clicking this following link:

2. Check your E-mail that you registered with to be able to verify your account.
A verification link will be sent to your inbox or spam box that you'll have to click on to get subscribed.
(if you haven't recieved a verification link, you could try to register again)

3. Click on this link to visit our page:

4. Make sure to be logged in to be able to submit your vote and simply hit the purple "Like" button!

5. Now you have voted for us!~If you want to, you could also share it on Twitter and/or Facebook. There are sharing buttons next to the video aswell

Thank you for your consideration!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Obsessed with this fancam tonight, Rania are truly amazing! Oppas Angels cannot wait until their comeback!